Tuesday, November 2, 2010


We finally got to see our sweet baby Nya's face today! She is absolutely beautiful! Her big brown eyes are to die for! I can't stop staring at her picture. Her given name is not Nya, but we chose Nya because it means "Purpose" & we just love the name. We, unfortunately, can't give any of her info out or post any pictures online because she is not legally ours yet, but should you see me in person..... :-)

So I got the call from our case worker at about noon today. I was in Wal-Mart. I feel extremely bad for the lady that walked by me when I heard our case worker say "We have your referral today!" I believe a little dance happened along with a scream. Our case worker told me if we were ready to hear more about this little girl she would start sending the emails of all her info & pictures. My response "Are we ready? We've only been waiting for 2 1/2 yrs now! Of course we're ready!" She said she would start sending the emails & wanted me to call her back if we had any questions. I don't think I've ever walked through Wal-Mart as quickly as I did today! It was actually more like a jog, I believe. Fast enough for poor Braden to be out of breath & asking why we were racing when we got to the register :-) Then of course the wonderful cashier had to sanitize her hands, wipe down her belt, & basically do everything I really could have cared less about before she rung up our groceries! I wanted to scream at her "Move it along lady or I'm leaving with these groceries w/out paying for them!", but I was somewhat polite yet rushed her as much as I could. Braden & Tanner very much enjoyed the ride home & were yelling in the backseat "Yay! Racecars!" As we arrived home, we passed this strange lady standing at the corner of our road.....It was Barb :-) We all ran inside, got the boys comfortable then Barb & I ran to my computer to read all about our little Nya. Josh got home about 1/2 hr later to jump in on all the excitement. So there's our referral story!
Now we wait yet again. We're now waiting for the referral of Nya's sister which should come in the middle of Dec. This whole waiting thing is getting really old, but tonight I'm not going to even think about that, I'm just going to think about the sweet little face we were introduced to today. God is so AWESOME! This wait has been long, but Nya was so worth the wait. I cannot wait to hold her in my arms & kiss her poofy cheeks...........

Thank you God for our sweet little Nya! Thank you for bringing her into this world 3 months ago! Thank you for sending her to the specific baby home so she could be matched with our family! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


mum2shadow said...


Becky said...

YaY that is awesome so happy for you guys... Hope she comes home soon.