Friday, April 9, 2010

1 Month & Waiting.............

So today marks 1 month since we were officially put on the referral list. As I think about it, there is a wave of emotions. I don't even know how many times I thanked God last night for making this month go by so quickly. It doesn't even feel like we've been waiting for a referral for a month. But then I turn to my motherly part of thinking. A month is huge in a mother's world. In 1 month, a baby has a chance to start smiling, sitting up on their own, crawling, walking, their 1st tooth could pop through, they could say their 1st word, wave "hi" or "bye" for the 1st time, go on the "big kid" potty for the 1st time...... all of these are HUGE in a mother's world, and all i can keep thinking about as this time passes by is I'm missing 1 if not all of my little girls' 1st's. Almost every morning I wake up & think how wonderful it will be to hear 4 sets of feet running around the livingroom dancing to the Imagination Movers (no I'm not crazy! As crazy as my boys are, I am anxious to be a Mom of 4!). My hope is that as I sit cuddling w/ my boys that God is doing the same w/ my girls. My prayer is that April 9 - May 9 will go by just as quickly as March 9 - April 9 did. Thanks for waiting w/ us. Thanks for praying for us. Please keep praying the issues in Uganda will be resolved & that God will keep overflowing patience onto me.

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