Saturday, July 4, 2009

“Don't Ignore What's Going On! Do Something!”

So I was told something today that bothered me a little bit. I'm not upset at the person for saying it, but it made me realize how many more people are probably thinking the same thing,
“I try to pretend none of that is happening”.
I've been reading a few books that touch on orphans/AIDS/Africa. When this person saw the book on my table (“Scared” by Tom Davis) they said they couldn't read it followed by that statement many others are thinking as well “I try to pretend none of that is happening”.
STOP PRETENDING!!!! No matter how hard you try to block it out of your mind, it is happening.

The number of children in the world that have lost their mother or father, are parentless, or have been abandoned…now exceeds 143 million. In the past hour… 1,625 children were forced to live on the streets by the death or abuse of an adult. 1,667 children under the age of five died from malnutrition and vaccine-preventable diseases. 115 children became prostitutes. 66 children under 15 were infected with HIV. 257 children were orphaned because of HIV/AIDS. In just 1 hour, 1 hour! Most children are under the age of fifteen and are… Sleeping on concrete beds and rancid garbage piles every night – streets, sewers, dumps. Scavenging amongst human waste and excreta for rotting morsels and scraps to eat. Huffing glue and other substances in order to numb the cold, hunger, pain…and shame. Prostituting themselves for basic food and shelter. Trafficked and sold into sexual bondage, even at five years old and younger. Abused and brutalized by sexual predators, local gangs, corrupt police officers, and slum lords. Victimized by HIV/AIDS-infected men who believe that sleeping with young virgins can cure the disease. Recruited into lives of thievery, smuggling and drug dealing. Abducted to serve as child soldiers or the sex slaves of soldiers. Exploited as child laborers or slaves in sweatshops. Executed by local businessmen and officials who view them as a dirty pests interfering with trade and commerce. Sacrificed in occult/witchcraft rituals. Robbed of childhoods; Robbed of self esteem; Robbed of innocence; Robbed of hope. (statistics taken off of another website)

Go ahead try to ignore it, but it's not going to save all those children from what is going to happen to them. I'm not saying this as a perfect person who is doing all they can to help. I'm not! All these books are making me realize.... I'm doing nothing! Yes, Josh & I are in the middle of an adoption, but that will only help 1 or 2 of these orphans out of the over 143 million out there. We as Christians are called to love & care for the orphans, widows, the poor, & helpless. What are you doing to help? Maybe you're thinking, “Well people here in the states need help, too.” Ok, then what are you doing to help the orphans, widow, poor, & helpless people here in the states? Not everyone is called to adopt & that's ok because adoption isn't the answer to helping these children. There are tons of organizations out there that can help these children through your money. You can go on mission trips & find out that way what God is calling you to do. Just pray & listen to what God is telling you. Stop ignoring what is happening in this world & do something. You may be the only sign of Christ to 1 person, but it could make a difference in hundreds of others lives just by helping & loving that 1. It could be as easy as going without your Starbucks for a month & giving all that money to someone you know that needs it. Or as easy as picking up a man holding a sign that says “Why lie I need a beer” & bringing him to actually get one & telling him about our Savior. Ok, so I wouldn't suggest that to any woman out there, but you get what I'm saying. If you've been thinking about this already, but just don't know which organizations to go through to help, I have one in mind so just let me know & I'll point you to the right direction.
Stop pretending, because it's happening!!!!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

AMEN! I can't believe people are still ok with ignoring the problem. should check out

Its the organization that The Wrecking support.