Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Financial Support

Hi Everybody!
I've had a few people ask how they could help us financially... You could either send it to us at 129 Summer Street, Auburn, ME 04210 which would help us with the next phase that we don't have money for, our home study. You can also send it through Christian World Adoption (CWA) which would be tax deductible since they are non-profit. (This can't help us with the home study as we have to go through a different agency for this) All you have to do is go to, click donate now on the right bottom of the page, & fill out all the info. There is a spot where you can specify the family's name so 100% of your donation will go straight towards our adoption process. You could also send in a personal check to the address on their website, but remember to send in a letter with the check to specify that you want your donations to go towards Joshua & Anna Cousineau's adoption. Thank you so much for allowing God to use you in this way. As I said, Josh & I can't afford this, but knowing this is a call from God, we know He will provide, and if He does by using you......Thank you so much for being a part of that!!!!!


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