It's been 9 months since we've been put on the referral list... 9 months! It's a little hard to believe, unless your, well, me.... Now finally after 2 yrs & almost 6 months of being in the adoption process, and 9 months & 12 days being on the referral list, we know who both of our sweet baby girls are!
We were told that we would be getting Lil J's referral on Dec. 16, last Thur. The day dwindled away when finally I emailed our case worker to find out what was going on. She informed me the scanner at the baby home in Ug@nda was down, & the manager wasn't able to scan & email all the documents for the referral so we were told "it will be in tomorrow". Then Fri. rolled around. We were informed yet again that the scanner was still down so we wouldn't be getting the referral until at least Mon. now. I got myself through the weekend with the hopes that come 10:00 or 11:00 on Mon. morning I would be staring at her beautiful face. I received a call on Mon. telling me that the manager had finally sent the referral emails, but they weren't going through. My hopes & attitude at this point were going downhill. I do have to admit, there were tons of "Lord, this really isn't fair anymore!", "God, are you seriously doing this to me?", "Why on earth are you making me wait yet again?" comments flying around in my head. Then another call arrived on Tue. telling us that our case worker wasn't able to get a hold of the manager at the baby home. Our case worker said this was her last day in the office for a while due to her going on vacation, but that she would keep in touch with me over the holidays if at all possible. I was bummed to say the least. Luckily, Josh surprised me with the news yesterday that he had the rest of the week off and would be home with us. My thought, he would be my support to help me get through this depressing week. Today was reaching noon, which is 8:00PM in Ug@nda, way pass working hours I was assuming. I had just received a text from 1 of my sisters asking if we had heard anything yet. I answered no yet again and went to sit with Tan man to watch a movie. Tanner was cuddled on my lap and as I was "doing tickles" (he loves being tickled :-) I just sat with him letting the tears pour down my face. I had had enough. I was tired, disappointed, angry, frustrated..... Then seriously the phone rang minutes after I started my pity party. I jumped up, ran into the kitchen, yelling to Josh "Who is it? Who is it? Who is it?" We had no idea the name it was on the caller id so I answered it. I was never so happy to hear our case worker's voice in my entire life! As soon as I said hello she yelled "We have the referral, Anna! It just came through!" I screamed! She probably will be enjoying her vacation as a deaf person now :-) She said she would start sending the emails through, and they came pouring into my inbox. Our Lil J is absolutely gorgeous! She is 2 yrs old. We're keeping her given name so we can't post it on here so in cyberland she'll be referred to as "Lil J" :-) My 1st thing I wanted to search for was her birthday. I had had a dream on Sept. 13, 2008 that I vividly remember to this day. I woke up in tears, and called my mom right away to tell her about it. I told a few other friends about this dream too so if anyone thinks I am lying you can ask around. I swear! Still giving me goosebumps!
In my dream, I walked into a very small house. There was a younger woman all by herself in labor. I looked around petrified. I couldn't believe this woman was doing this on her own, by herself. I went and sat next to her. I kept telling her it was going to be ok, that she could do this. She never talked to me just smiled a couple of times. She finally pushed the baby out. She wrapped the baby in a blanket, and held it for a minute then stood up, and put the baby in my arms. She walked out of the tiny house, but turned around and mouthed thank you to me and left. I was so angry when I woke up b/c I didn't see the baby's face or didn't figure out if it was a boy or girl, but truly felt God was allowing me to be a part of my child's birth. When we started the adoption process, that was the one thing I struggled with, knowing I wouldn't know their birth stories or being a part of it in any way. I called my mom and told her my baby was born! Can I tell you, Lil J's birthday is in the beginning of Sept in 2008 :-) Got chills yet? I still do!
I was told she would be our quiet little cuddler. Cannot.Wait.To.Cuddle.My.Baby.Girl!
Lots of people keep asking what's next. We now have to finalize our dossier so it's ready for when our lawyer in Ug@nda calls for it. He will request our dossier from our agency, then present it before the court. The court will then give us a date for our court hearing, then we'll be on our way to Afric@! (I think this is the rest of the process of what I am understanding.) We were told to prepare to travel in March. The way things are going, I will be happy to make it there for Nya's 1st birthday in Aug.
Please keep us in your prayers. This is where the road gets bumpier & a bit more tiring......