Tuesday, August 24, 2010

AMAZED Yet Again!

Just when I get comfy, relaxed, and think I can't get more amazed by my Savior, He throws more amazing blessings at us! We had a phone interview scheduled a couple of nights ago with LYDIA Fund. These people were wonderful to talk to, they prayed with us, and granted us $1,500 for travel expenses while in Uganda to go get our girls! Josh did the math, and since June of this year we've been given about $12,000 towards our adoption through donations and grants!(Thank you to all of you who have given, you know who you are!) $12,000 people! How unbelievably amazing and miraculous is that? I remember when we first started this whole process, we (well, mostly me) were so worried about where the first $2,500 agency fee was going to come from. I think God may have been chuckling at us.

God has completely knocked my socks off during this whole process. I'm not just talking about Him providing all this money (although it is AWESOME and is only by Him that it's happened!), but I've fallen more in love with my Savior during this adoption process more than ever. This adoption has made me HAVE to rely on God. How sad is that, that I finally found something that I NEED God to help me through. I am so thankful for this realization. I NEED Him in EVERYTHING I do. Every second of the day, I NEED Him, I WANT Him. I am so thankful He is always there and always will be there for me. That He loves me, no matter how many times I fall and fail. He'll always welcome me back with open arms. I love the fact that I can tell Him my fears, frustrations, and dreams, and know that without a doubt He will listen and give me exactly what He knows is best for me. I love the fact that every time I worry about our girls and speak to my Father about it, He comes back to remind me He knows who they are, He's protecting them, He'll bring them to us at the perfect time, and that He loves them even more than I do and even more than I can imagine. Oh, how I love the place I am in right now! In His perfect will! I can't wait to fall more and more in love with Him. He's got AWESOME things coming our way, and I can't wait! I can't wait to have another reason to brag about my Savior. To be able to give Him the glory through our situations that He rightly deserves!

Keep 'em coming, Lord!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Completely & Utterly Blessed by 2 Sweet Little Girls

I know a lot of you are still wondering what I meant & who these little girls are when I mentioned we were "Completely & utterly blessed by 2 sweet little girls"... Josh wrote about it on his blog. If you click on the link below you can find out the story :-)


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pray with us, PLEASE!!!!

There are some important meetings coming up this week that could be a help in getting our girls soon. Please join us in prayer all week this week. Not just a “God be with these meetings.” but BEG with us!!!! BEG on behalf of our family, on behalf of our sweet girls. BEG that God will be present in these meetings. That He will lead our lawyer to the right places. That God will be in the middle of EVERYTHING all week this week. Please BEG that God will bring us our girls soon, but most of all that His name will be glorified through all of this.