(Click on image to read letter)
We received a letter in the mail the other day informing us that we were chosen for a $2,500 matching grant!!!! God is so incredibly great to us, has been through this entire process, & continues to provide.We need your help! This is a MATCHING grant, meaning if we can't raise the money they can't match it. All donations need to be sent in to the grant agency by July 15th, yes July 15, 2010. That's a very short amount of time to come up with $2,500. I know we can do it with everyone's help! Any amount will help us out so don't feel bad if you can only give a little. You can make your checks out to God's Grace Adoption Ministry, Inc. Make sure you put "Josh & Anna Cousineau" in the memo so they know it is for our family. You can give or send your checks to us (129 Summer St, Auburn, ME 04210) so we can mail it to GGAM or if you'd like your donation to be anonymous you can send your check directly to them at
P.O. Box 4
Modesto, CA 95353
All donations are tax deductible & confidential. I also attached a letter above GGAM sent us to inform our friends & family about the process.
We need about $10,000 more for travel & post-adoption costs so this will knock us down to only needing $5,000 more which would be AWESOME!!!!
We're still waiting for our referral. Praying we will hear from our agency any day so we can finally know who our precious little girls are! Thank you so very much for all your prayers & encouragement through this whole process.